Your Dairy Cattle Professionals!
General Farm Supply, Inc. has provided quality nutrition, service, and high-quality products since 1962. Our driven sales team strives to accommodate our customers with the adoption of new technologies and better farm management practices to reach your production goals while ensuring profitability too. General Farm Supply, Inc. has strong partnerships with many research-based companies, and together, we have developed lines of program products and tailored feeds. General Farm Supply, Inc. is dedicated to serving the needs of our customers.

Heifer Products
GFS Heifer Mineral R1440
High quality medicated premix for dairy young stock to increase rate of weight gain, improve reproduction and immunity. No additional salt needed in ration.
GFS Non Med Heifer Mineral
High quality premix for dairy young stock to improve growth, reproduction, and immunity. No additional salt needs to be provided in ration.
Lactating Products
GFS Dry Cow Mineral
Designed to provide high levels of Vitamin A, D, and E and trace minerals to improve health and immunity for non-lactating dairy cows during the dry period. Aids in reducing metabolic disorders and rebreeding problems. No additional salt needed in ration.
GFS Dry Cow Mineral R1200
GFS Dry Cow Mineral R1200 is a medicated feed designed for non lactating dairy cows to balance the mineral and vitamin requirements of dairy cows during the dry period.
GFS Performance Mineral
Designed for lactating cow rations as a sole source of vitamin and trace mineral requirements for diets containing high levels of corn silage or grass haylage or hay. This product does not contain salt, free-choice salt should be provided.
GFS I.C.E. TMR Premix
Designed to help maintain body temperature to reduce heat stress.