Beefing up against bad feet
Hubbard Feeds It doesn’t matter what time of year it is — the potential for hoof injuries and infections exists in all types of environments. Producers’ “beef” with this is understandable. Treatment is timeconsuming and costly and, in some cases, foot issues lead to an animal’s disposal. When dealing with foot-related problems, it is critical for producers to understand the full spectrum of issues that can lead to lameness. This spectrum can include nutritional insults, physical damage, infectious agents, genetic influence and structural makeup.
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Optimizing cattle performance with limited resources
Winter is the time of year when cattle most often need additional supplementation to maintain body condition. Cows that maintain a body condition score of 5 or 6 throughout the winter are more prepared for calving and rebreeding than thinner cattle. Winter feeding contributes to a significant portion of the feeding costs associated with raising cattle. Feeding appropriate supplements will complement other feeds, optimizing inputs and managing costs.
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10 Daily Care Tips that will make a difference in the Show Ring
As competitive as the show ring has become, it’s more important now than ever before to do everything correctly at home in order to truly shine in the ring. The tips outlined here may seem negligible, but they are all too often forgotten or overlooked — and small daily successes can add up to a big win!
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6 Tips for Managing Your Dairy This Winter
Winter temperatures bring additional challenges and considerations to the table for dairy producers. As temperatures drop, calves’ energy requirements increase. Calves under 21 days of age require more energy when temperatures fall below 60° Fahrenheit and also require 30 percent more energy simply for maintenance when temperatures fall below 30° F.
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Four Crucial Components of Calf Care
Raising healthy heifers is a key component to making sure that future herds are high-production. Poor growth in young calves strongly impacts subsequent milk production. As such, even during a busy calving period, calves should not be forgotten.
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